TL;DR: always, ALWAYS change your PIN codes!

Dear Santa, this Christmas I want to get new PIN codes ...

These are just pictures of what I received. No claims about anything. For educational purposes only. Yes, these are my own PIN codes. Yes, I did change them after making these pictures.

Need on lihtsalt pildid minu isiklikust kaardist ja PIN ümbrikust, ei midagi enamat. Jah, ma muutsin PIN koodid peale piltide tegemist. Piltidega ei kaasne ühtegi väidet millegi turvalisuse kohta. Ainult hariduslikel eesmärkidel. Ja see pole esimene kord. jne.

I got my new generation digital identity card, yay!

I'm no CSI, just a random bloke with a random flashlight
(you can use the flashlight of your smartphone as well)

This is not how security envelopes should work ...

As this is WAY too easy ...

Always, ALWAYS change the PIN codes and passwords you receive from a 3rd party with values known to only you!

This got covered in news too: home

Pictures and PIN codes belong to, do not re-use without permission!